Thursday, May 19, 2016

"Heathers" movie review

"Heathers" is directed by Michael Lehmann and stars Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. It is about a girl named Veronica who is a part of her school's most popular clique, the Heathers. Most people would kill to get in that group, but Veronica will kill just to get out. When she meets a boy named J.D., she is introduced to the world of murder, sex, and domestic violence. J.D. tries to influence Veronica to kill all of the cool people in their high school, but she sets out on a plot to stop him. This might sound really weird, but this movie is so funny, and it succeeds at being a dark comedy. It is also my new favorite 80s teen movie. I originally thought I wasn't going to like it, but I turned out loving it. I am also really excited to see the musical live over this summer as Academy Players puts on their teen production of the musical. I am going to say that this is one my new favorite movies of all time, and that is kind of a far stretch. 

My Grade : A+

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